
At the present, there are no downloads for SGLThing.

System Requirements

These are subject to change

Minimum Recommended
  • 1024MB of RAM
  • 2.0GHz x86_64 CPU
  • GPU capable of OpenGL 3.0 Core
  • idk

An Awesome Guide to Compiling SGLThing

  1. Clone the sglthing repository ( or download the zip ( of the SGLThing source.
  2. Make sure you have the correct libraries ready:
    • libCURL (included in repo)
    • CGLM (included in repo)
    • glfw3 (included in repo)
    • assimp (included in repo)
    • glib-2.0
    • PkgConfig (cmake requirement)
    • libav (ffmpeg)
    • OpenAL
    • ODE (included in repo)
  3. Create a new directory, build.
  4. Run cmake .. to generate the build files for SGLThing.
  5. If all goes well, use the software for the build files generated by CMake. Examples are:
    CMake Output Command
    Ninja (recommended with cmake -GNinja ..) ninja
    UNIX Makefiles make (make -j{CORES} for more performance)
    MinGW Makefiles mingw32-make (mingw32-make -j{CORES} for more performance)
    MSYS Makefiles make (make -j{CORES} for more performance), needs to be in a MSYS shell
    Visual Studio nn (worst choice) msbuild using the developer tools for Visual Studio nn, or use the appropiate Visual Studio IDE.
    WARNING: The C socket() libraries may not be available on Windows. The networking system requires the C socket() libraries. Windows is an unsupported operating system in general, so beware with compiling SGLThing for a Windows target.
    If you want to choose which generator to use, supply it with the -G argument (e.g. cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. will generate MSYS makefiles).
    For example, if I had wanted to compile with Ninja files, I'd do (in the build directory)
    $ cmake -GNinja ..
    $ ninja
    which should leave a sglthing binary in the build directory.

  6. Optionally, if you want to package up the SGLThing binary and potentially put it up on here (DM me about it), you need to
    1. Have the sglthing binary and the resources directory be in the same directory.
    2. Zip it.
